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  • Kindle Customer - Cooking Light

    I truly adore this magazine. I jumped at the chance to go digital because I am running out of space in my home for all the delicious recipes this magazine holds. The best part of being digital, any time, any place I can access my recipes. Even in the grocery store, when I left my shopping list on the table! So very convenient. There is one draw back for my daughter, she can't take it home with her when she comes to visit.

  • Angela - Not as good as past versions

    I have have used several of the past verisions of Just Dance and love them but I am not as pleased with 2015. They have added so many options that it seems to take forever to move from one song to the next. It is just really slow to load and react between songs. Songs are great and so is the screen animation but you will have plenty of time to get a drink or even make lemonade between songs... (okay the lemondade is a bit of an exaggeration but it feels like it while you are waiting)

  • fmac - Excellent Bike

    Assembly was intuitive, all the tools needed were provided. No pedals are shown in the picture but they are included. I had the derailers adjusted at a shop for around 30$ - you'll probably want to have this done - once complete it rode perfectly.

  • Amazon Customer - Tried as I might...I just couldn't like this stroller

    First, we love Britax. We have purchased their car seats from the day we knew that we were expecting. We just bought our last car seat ever from them, the Britax Click Tight Pioneer and we LOVE it. Having said all of that, I just couldn't like this stroller, no matter how I tried. We bought this to go on vacation. My daughter is 4 1/2 so she is outgrowing the every-day stroller stage however, she still needs something when we visit places like Disney. I did tons of research to ensure that whatever stroller we decided to purchase, that it was something we would be able to use up to the 55 lb. mark. This stroller will do that however, my daughter is 42" tall and her head was pushing up into the canopy. I also found this stroller extremely hard to maneuver and almost impossible to maneuver with one hand. I thought it was just me, but my husband said the same. The push bar is also low on this. I am 5"7" and I felt like I had to bend down to reach the bar. Last bit of advice, don't put ANYTHING on the bar (not a purse, not a shopping bag, etc.). I put my (not heavy) purse on this and it fell over backwards as my daughter was trying to get out.

  • Omaro Cassells - One of the first albums I was able to play ...

    One of the first albums I was able to play from start to finish multiple times . With zero singles released but has at least 5 single worthy tracks , J.Cole releases what I'd call a classic with "2014 Forest Hills Drive" .

  • W. Breeding - ... had my Element Ti4 for 2 weeks now and love this box

    I have had my Element Ti4 for 2 weeks now and love this box! It came preloaded with tons of apps and gives you the flexibility to get others if you need to! The Kodi version is the latest stable one along with typical android and google apps. I have the Ti4 on a wireless connection with my network and it has no problems with download speed. The back has 3 usb ports and it has expandable memory through it's flash drive port.

  • Andrea Reyes - Amazing

    Super!! There are thousands of fun and exciting games on the Google play store for free and the youtube also has some great free VR and 3D videos.