
Farmacias Costa Rica, servicios farmaceuticos, medicamentos, recetas, Hospital Clinica Biblica Costa Rica - Clinica Biblica Costa Rica - Servicos en: servicios farmaceuticos, recetas, medicamentos, suministros medicos.

Country:, North America, CR

City: -84.2116 Provincia de Alajuela, Costa Rica

  • alaskan-chatterbox - 2012 (2 disc Special Edition)

    I love this movie. I saw it yeaars ago and am glad to now have it in my DVD collection. Wonderful cast. Special effects make it look so real. To me this is a must to own DVD even if you arne't into disaster movies like I am.

  • Patrice B - Fuller Brows in no time!!!

    So through the years i lost a lot of hair, not only on my head but also my eyebrows. and it was a huge hassle constantly having to do my makeup and add more color to my fading eyebrows. I've been using this eyebrow growth product for a couple weeks, and I can tell that it does increase the links in the fullness of my eyebrows. I have to say I was extremely skeptical of whether or not this would benefit my eyebrows but it does. I paint this product on my eyebrows twice a day because I am middle-aged, my eyelashes have gotten quite a bit lighter and more sparse. This product nourishes the hair and obviously encourages it to grow thicker. Again I was very skeptical but I am pleased that there has been some positive results to report. Don't expect miracles, but I think you can expect your brows to be fuller and more attractive .

  • esh108 - Great bag for school with lots of books to haul

    Awesome color and great bag. I got a size medium because I was concerned about having enough space, I cannot imagine what a large looks like. I carry a laptop in it's own neoprene sleeve, so not having the laptop section did not matter to me. I use the back slip for my wallet and a few papers to keep them organized. I can easily fit my laptop, water bottle, and 2-3 textbooks in here without a problem. It is wide enough that there is room on the ends with the books inside, so space is easy to come by (that was a problem with my older bag-to narrow, and if you filled the middle section the ends hugged in so nothing moved but that meant I could not even slip a pen out when full). This would definitely work as an overnight bag as well. With the front wall zippered section, space for pens and small compartments, I do not need to carry a separate purse as well, so I can live out of this bag. Highly recommend it for a great, efficient larger bag.