
Fighting TB - I have been fighting Multiple Drug Resistant TB since November 2014

  • Fighting TB : Photo - Post anything (from anywhere!), customize everything, and find and follow what you love. Create your own Tumblr blog today.
  • Fighting TB — 45 days - 45 days I cannot believe it. 45 days left and I am done. I will be a normal person finally. The port will be removed and I will be free!!!! My skin can start healing. I will need to work on building...
  • Fighting TB — Countdown has gone down to days - Countdown has gone down to days For a while now I have started a countdown. The countdown was not doing it for me because I used months and weeks. A week ago I changed the countdown to days. Not...
  • Fighting TB — Pinky fingernail has fallen off. The ring... - Pinky fingernail has fallen off. The ring fingernail seems to be following suit. It’s so uncomfortable.
  • Fighting TB — In emergency room again because port isn’t working... - In emergency room again because port isn’t working or I think I may have messed it up. I got dressed and it hooked. I felt a terrible pain but it seems to be okay now. They are going to check the port...
  • Fighting TB — Coming close to the end - Coming close to the end Going through this treatment is hard, it’s been one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I am so exhausted and all I want is the all clear so that I can return to some...

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -73.9826 New York, United States

  • Ruth - No effect

    I'm sorry to say I didn't notice anything. I've been using it for about a month, an hour or 2 a day-when at the computer and watching tv. I did try sleeping with it but I happened to get lousy sleep the times I used it and then when I stopped I slept well. Not sure how much of that to attribute to the mat. I thought the theory was very convincing but it hasn't worked for me. I got the mat rather than the sheet because it was a cheaper way to try it and it seemed like the sheets wore out fast, based on other people's reviews.

  • Baltazar - please read before buying

    This box suck. pleases do not waste your time and buy this like i did i thought since it had good reviews id give it a try but NOOOO i was wrong to buy this. its way too bulky you have no type of airspace with this box. i don't know how many times the guys who post good reviews were dropped on there head as a child! do not but this i regret this so much. save your money just buy a ply wood and screw down your sub.