
Codio Urso - The blog of a coding bear, expect themeparks, rollercoasters, my weight loss and gym journey, technology, photography and 3D printing (just to start with!)

  • Codio Urso, About - About I’m Tom Marshall, a UK-based coder specialising in Microsoft technologies. One of the hardest things about starting a site is picking the name, “Codio Urso” – an amalgam of “Codio” (from Welsh,...
  • Codio Urso, Health and Fitness - Health and Fitness I am using several online tools to manage and track my health and fitness - details of these (and where applicable, links) will follow: Withings Wifi Scales Trend weight (which...
  • Codio Urso, go3dprinting: Reblog if you hate it when people... - go3dprinting: “Reblog if you hate it when people tell you it is all going be better when you are depressed. ”
  • Codio Urso, Escaping - Escaping At the weekend just gone, a few of us went to try out the new Escape Room in Cardiff Obviously, this review won’t include any spoilers for the specific puzzles we encountered on our quest to...
  • Codio Urso, Very cool - Star Tours from the outside…  (this is... - Very cool - Star Tours from the outside… (this is the DLP version, link via ScreamScape.Com)
  • Codio Urso, Just before Christmas,I built myself a new 3D... - Just before Christmas,I built myself a new 3D printer from a kit made by - the latest version of their Kossel Mini. Now sported LED lighting too as i discovered that the IKEA Dioder...
  • Codio Urso, Happy New Year - 3D printed desk sign found on... - Happy New Year - 3D printed desk sign found on Thingiverse
  • Codio Urso : Photo - Post anything (from anywhere!), customize everything, and find and follow what you love. Create your own Tumblr blog today.
  • Codio Urso, terriblerealestateagentphotos: Architectural... - terriblerealestateagentphotos: “Architectural historians differ on whether or not the indoor pool is an original feature. Buy the book now:,, Like us on...
  • Codio Urso, If you're not paying for it, you are the product - If you're not paying for it, you are the product We’ve all heard that saying now - or something similar to it - by using those supposedly “free” services from companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter,...
  • Codio Urso, “Batman” printed in Rigid.Ink... - “Batman” printed in Rigid.Ink
  • Codio Urso, “He Slimed Me” :)... - “He Slimed Me” :) Printed in Rigid.Ink filament This model was rotated before printing so that it was lying on it’s back - this was to avoid needing support...

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  • Angela Ellis - easy to adjust and very comfortable

    This VR works brilliantly with YouTube 360° Videos, comfortable to wear, especially good because of the padding around the eyes so it doesn't give you any grief after long periods of play.

  • W. Simons - Not quite as easy to learn and use as I thought.

    The hype included the simplicity of use. I try to send a check electronically like I can do from my online bank account and have not worked that out yet. You should be able to do it since the bank web page pops up for sign in. The program either forces my to write a hard copy of the check or simply record the check into the register. My new accountant could not readily do it, despite the fact that she is familiar with quickbooks (but she routinely prints out her checks).

  • Kate H. Oleary - scammy company with questionable products

    I was a victim of consumer fraud at the newly opened Orogold store in the Gardenstate Plaza mall in Paramus, NJ. Although I have now disputed the charges with my credit card, I want the warning to go out there to all consumers in New Jersey and all around the country to avoid this compamy at all costs! They are a bunch of slick con artists who have absolutely no regard for doing business in a legal or ethical way. Last week., I was at the mall buying something I had planned on getting for my upcoming birthday and I was in a relaxed and unguarded mood when I was approached by this man with an accent. He spoke to me as if he was my friend which I did not buy into but my defenses were down and I agreed to let him apply eye serum to my one eye. He went into his whole schpiel and even though I kept saying no, he kept saying how the product was not that expensive considering it would last for 2 years. I hesitated and he then asked me if I was a nurse.I said no and he looked at me knowingly and said, “Answer me again. Are you a nurse?” I said no again and he shook his head and said, “Come on. Are you a nurse?” So I kind of laughed and said yes because obviously he wanted me to play along. Then the product was 1/2 priced. So I agree to give it a try, thinking that I had gotten a decent price even though it was still kind of pricey. Then he was continuing to chat me up and saying I should come into their newly opened store so he could give me some more samples. So I reluctantly followed him into the store. There he had me sit and he examined my face very closely. He offered me first some water and then shook his head and suggested champagne since it was my birthday month. I laughed nervously and shrugged. He then gave me another schpiel how he was going to apply treatment to half of my face so I could see how well their other products work. I protested that I defintely could not spend any more money that day. He shushed me and started applying treatment to the right side of my face. At tis point, I was a little worried because I had an appointment in an hour and I wanted to get a bite to eat before I went. But he had already applied things to my face and had put a glass of champagne in my hand. Then he whisked me to the back, saying it was free there now and I could lay on the table and relax for a few minutes while the mask on my face did its magic. He then talked of Denise Richards who endorses them and said Dr. Oz recommends their products (an out and out lie). All the while still talking to me as if I was a long time friend. When he took the treatment off my face, he gave me a mirror and was positively glowing about how incredibly better the right side of my face looked than the left! My head was a little light from the champagne since I had not yet had lunch and I agreed with him because it did look better. Then he told me the price of the package he put on me and my jaw dropped. No, I can’t! He protested, did I not like the product. I said I liked it just fine but I had to go and I couldn’t afford to spend that kind of money. He was then going, “What would you rate it?” I said, “Maybe an 8″ because at that moment I was impressed. He insisted hat he really wanted me to use their product so he would bring down the price and he proceeded to cut the price in half. It was still too steep and I said no. Then he whispered in my ear, “I’m not supposed to do this but I really like you and I want you to use our product because I know you will have good results and you will tell all your friends. But please do not tell anyone you got it for this price.” He then took a card and scanned it thru the machine and claimed it was his employee card for an employee discount. The price was now about 1/3. He then said he would minus the price I had already paid for the eye treatments I had already purchased. It was still too much money. but I was late and now I was a little torn. I thought to myself, “Maybe I’ll take it home and think about it. I could always return it.” Those were the thoughts in my head so I agreed and he took my card. My heart was thumping because I had just spent $1000 on skin products. Yes, maybe it was for 1 year or more but still, it was alot of money. Already I was starting to feel some buyers remorse but I was in a rush and after posing for a picture with them, feeling like I was in shock, I left.