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  • Amazon Customer - Yikes!

    This book is so poorly written. Very bad. It looks as if someone has tried to hard to write it. To much detail. Some stuff don't make sense.

  • Kindle Customer - I feel the article that recommended it misled me No. It's not well-made -- I've already chipped a tooth on the hard plastic.... The button that turns it on and off is awkwardly made (and hard to press when you're actually brushing)..... The instruction manual isn't translated very well, which always makes me nervous, because it means they didn't put much effort into their marketing..... I'm going to throw away this product and shell out decent $$ to get a brand name. I feel the article that recommended it misled me.

  • Jeff Carlson - Exactly what I needed but required longer screws

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  • flyinghatchet - Strips work very well but usually leave a glue residue

    The glue from these nasal strips leaves a residue that adds a hot-washcloth nose-wiping routine. I switched back to the standard strips but those leave a residue as well. Breathe Right's strips didn't use to do this so I'm guessing a switch to a cheaper adhesive was made in an effort to save money. I do not know this for sure, but either the skin on my nose has changed -- or the product has changed. In the end, however, the ability to sleep better is still well worth it.

  • Deborah L. Kupish - Not that great

    I really didn't know what to expect from it, but after using 2/3 of the jar, I don't see any significant change.