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  • K. Cochrane - Great Product

    I began using this product on Tuesday June 12, so it's been one week today that I started. I am one of those people who have tried NUMEROUS acne products, from over the counter to prescription with no results. I have not yet tried Proactiv because I don't want to shell out the money for a membership without knowing how it will work for me. I tired this product because it was a little cheaper and didn't require a membership. I love it! I don't have "severe" acne like what is seen in the Proactiv "before and after" commercials, but do get regular breakouts. I have noticed with this product that my face cleared up nicely. However, I tend to get the large, painful cyst-like pimples under the skin that never go away. Normally it takes about two weeks for one of these to clear up (with or without treatment). While using this product, one of these cysts popped up on Sunday, by Tuesday (today) it is nearly gone!

  • Amazon Customer - Works great

    This Netflix app has worked great with my Kindle Fire. No audio or visual problems for me since I started using this app during Christmastime.