
Psihoterapeut Iasi | Psiholog Iasi | Psihoterapeut Diana Todeancă - Crezi că un specialist te poate ajuta în rezolvarea problemelor cu care te confrunți? Apelează la Psihoterapeut Iasi Diana Todeancă și descoperă...

  • Psiholog Iasi Diana Todeancă | Cauti un psiholog bun in Iasi? - Ești în căutare de un psiholog sau psihoterapeut bun în Iași? Programează chiar acum o ședință la Psiholog Iasi Diana Todeancă! Nu rata promoția specială!
  • Psihologie și Psihoerapie Diana Todeancă | Psiholog Iasi - Cauți răspunsuri? Treci printr-o perioadă grea? Putem găsi împreună soluțiile potrivite în cadrul Cabinetului de Psihologie și Psihoterapie Diana Todeancă
  • Cursuri Coaching Iasi | Psihoterapie în organizații | Psiholog Iasi - Îți dorești creșterea performanței fiecărui angajat cheie? Apelează la profesioniști pentru descoperirea echilibrului în business! Cursuri Coaching Iasi.
  • Parteneri Psiholog Iasi - Ai o idee de colaborare? Contactează-mă! - Ești interesat de o colaborare cu un psiholog în Iași? Contacteaza-mă și vom descoperi cum putem deveni parteneri de business! Parteneri Psiholog Iasi
  • Psiholog Online | Sfat Psihologic Gratuit | Psiholog Iasi Diana Todeancă - Vrei părerea unui specialist în psihologie și psihoterapie? Cere chiar acum un sfat gratuit de la un psiholog online! O părere nu costă nimic!
  • Articole Psihologie | Psiholog Iasi | Psihoterapeut Iasi Diana Todeancă - Te pasionează psihologia? Vrei să afli informații interesante despre cum funcționează mintea oamenilor? Citește articole psihologie pe pagina...
  • Contact Psiholog Iasi | Psihoterapeut Iasi Diana Todeancă - Ai nevoie de ajutorul unui specialist în psihologie sau psihoterapie? Psiholog Iasi Diana Todeancă. Contact Psiholog Iasi: +40 740 777 070.
  • Studiu depresie | Depresia și vitamina D | Psiholog Iasi - Te simți ciudat în ultimul timp și ai impresia că ar putea fi de la vremea de afară? S-ar putea să ai dreptate! Află despre un recent studiu depresie care..
  • Psihologia Copilului | 5 strategii de dezvoltare a creierului copiilor - Știu că ai face orice ca fiul/fiica ta să aibă tot ce e mai bun pe lume. Ei bine, pentru asta, trebuie să nu uiți de psihologia copilului tău! Ai grijă să..
  • Experiment Psihologic | Minciună sau adevăr? | Cristalele de apă Emoto - Oare intențiile noastre pot influența forma moleculelor de apă? Un experiment psihologic afirmă că da, insă... Oare chiar e adevărat? Află părerea profe....

    Country:, Europe, RO

    City: 25 , Romania

  • B. D. Hamilton - Works for allergies, too!

    I chose this because a friend recommended it. She said she has always kept Goldenseal to take when she feels a cold coming on. She takes a capsule and goes to bed. The next day the symptoms are gone. Our d-in-law had had allergy caused symptoms that were like the beginning of a cold. She took it one night and the next day her head was clear!

  • customratrods - Quick, cheap, easy fix that seems to work

    This stuff is a lifesaver! I was pretty skeptical of this product, since head gaskets can be such a huge issue. (Let me first say that everyone should do a quick search as to diagnosing a blown head gasket, as it could stand between you and having to buy a new engine.)

  • Atlantacbi - this thing rocks !

    I've got an '85 Porsche 911 and after nearly 10 years this car has developed a strange battery drain. I replaced the battery after a good 60 month one died and within weeks it was dead again. My general mechanic sold me the battery and tried to find the problem - he suspected it was a faulty ground or something but he never could locate it. I happen to be at a Car stereo place recently and saw my exact same car but highly restored and with a kick ass sound and electronics package. When i asked what they were doing they said this car had a mysterious battery drainage problem - after talking to a few more people this is apparently common and hard to track down - so rather than fix it i decided to supplement the battery with this drip charger. I keep it plugged in all the time and just let it maintain the battery and that has worked perfectly for 3 months now. I attempted to revive a truck battery with it recently but it gave me a clear indication that the battery was damaged so I just replaced it. we have 4 cars for 2 drivers so I can see possibly adding a second one of these for the rarely driven truck I have in the future. I'm fairly handy but I've never really understood the physics of car batteries - this unit is so simple I don't need to understand anything to use it.

  • Karen Booth - Deceiving advert

    haven't tried it yet. i think i may have wasted money. if you look at the picture, it shows the nail polish also. apparently they show that so you think you're getting that too. we only got the oral spray. i feel deceived. oh well. live and learn

  • chuck davis - I will bleed you real quiet like!

    Make sure you have some first aid training before you use this shaver. My bathroom looked like a crime scene before I finished.

  • Amazonian - A great home treadmill, with a couple of small faults.

    We have had this treadmill for only a couple of weeks, purchased at Dick's, and after tax, it was around $900. This is our first treadmill. It seems very sturdy, and the 2.5HP motor does fine for walking or jogging. I use the heart rate control programs which adjust the incline to get you to a target hear rate, and my wife uses the preset programs that take her through various speeds and inclines. We are both satisfied with how it works, looks and sounds.