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  • Slow Reader - Weird

    Well, it's not a dull read. The story stretches credulity. However, it has more twists and turns than a country road. The couple, Anne and Marco, discover their baby is missing from her crib after they've left her alone to party with the next door neighbors.

  • Naomi @ Naomi's Reading Palace - Bella Forrest has sucked me in and hooked me to this new series, with it's captivating storyline and the dangerous world.

    The Gender Game was an exciting and action packed beginning to a new series by Bella Forrest. She has created a whole new world where men and women coexist on both sides of the river, but one sex is dominant; Women rule Matrus, and on the other side of the river, the Men rule Patrus.

  • Linnea Swensson - How cool is that

    These are really neat little lights. I didn't even use the screws and anchored provided to install them. Instead, I just wedged the upper "lip" of the light underneath a strip of my vinyl siding. It fits tightly enough to hold the light in place.

  • Amazon Customer - Fun light hearted story

    My kids loved this book because it uses real life situations to visualize how great it is when dad is helping. Daddy is always there to save the day and to dream of him as a super hero is validating how wonderful a n d magical life is with mommy AND daddy present.

  • Mark Sisson - The most extensive book on fasting out there

    Excellent. In recent years, intermittent fasting has become a growing interest of mine. Personally, I've adhered to a compressed eating window and seen great results. Although I've studied the benefits of intermittent fasting pretty extensively, Jimmy still offered up a slew of new information. The book is both accessible to the layperson, but uncompromising in the hard evidence it offers for its conclusions. He covers the intricacies of insulin resistance, gluconeogenesis, and offers real testimonials and labs from people who have experienced the benefits of fasting. I enjoyed his investigation into physiological biomarkers like growth hormones and metabolic rate, but also his attention to the history of the practice--referencing great fasters like Mark Twain (a tidbit I didn't know before reading the book).

  • B&B77 - Not a single chemical in this product!

    This product is truly natural and nourishing! It doesn't contain any harmful chemicals like many big store brands have. It contains mostly natural hydrating oils that keep the skin healthy with no irritants such as artificial fragrance. It has calendula, coconut oil, cocoa butter, etc.

  • Kate Song - A true gem read to investors

    A true gem! I love this book or the collection of letters to shareholders. It reassured me how I should be looking at the investments. It also gave me insight on how insurance business was run and makes me think how those big guys think when they write policies. Also I learned Warren Buffet is very well read and intelligent from the letters he has written to his shareholders. Thank you!!