www.eyesonchurch.com Review:

Eyes on church optical - Timeless in our interpretation, modern in our classicism, and in tune with the intrinsic values of the client.We never carry two of any frames

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  • Chad in AK - CLOTS-BE-GONE

    This review is for Quercitin-Bromelain/Nattokinase/Serrapeptase, because I take them all together, and don't know which individually had the great effect - BUT IF YOU EVER SUFFER CLOTS, READ THIS:

  • Robin - I come from a mexican family so I am very ...

    I come from a mexican family so I am very picky about my salsa. This is the chunkiest and hottest brand and you get a ton for the proce

  • Amazon Customer - Frustrated with product

    I was curious about this product since a friend had been posting things on Facebook about it. I was already on a meal plan through a nutritionist and thought of trying a couple supplements to help kick start the metabolism again. I could not buy individual bottles and had to buy the kit. I asked if I could stay on the meal plan I was already on and was told to compare it. Little did I know I could not even touch what the nutritionist had me on initially that had worked before. I mentioned about getting my nutritionists advice/ideas on the meals and my friend and her sponsor said I couldn't and that they have recipes to go by. It is pretty expensive for a single individual to pay for while trying to make ends meet. This product is good for short term weight loss. If you want long term, you would be spending a boat load to have to stay on the supplement. Please see a health professional regarding a Healthy plan for weight loss.I am planning on return I Will be returning this product soon.

  • bendegen - Reference Guide

    I purchased a few copies of this book for some coworkers. I have a been a fan of "the missing manual" series and this book is no exception. It's a great reference guide.

  • Kritik - Best glass/mirror cleaner.

    Really the best glass cleaner ever. Follow directions and you will be very satisfied with the results. I had a cleaning person who used a cleaner (not a glass cleaner) on the mirrors and couldn't remove the scummy residue with all the other products, and then remembered I had used this years ago, so ordered it and tried it. Perfect results -- glass shines and really does almost disappear.

  • Carol Langner - Anyone who has used any other way of irrigating the sinuses will love this product

    My husband has had nasal surgery and really loves the ease of using this. Anyone who has used any other way of irrigating the sinuses will love this product. Since he had been doing the old fashioned way this was exciting and easy for him on the first try. Well worth every penny.

  • Jackie2won - Worth it

    My initial review after two days was 5 stars. Then reality set in. Now, after charging the unit all night, it will not operate due to "low battery". Don't waste your money. Too bad, because they fit well and stay in your ears.