yasmincram.tumblr.com Review:

Yasmin's Media Blog - Yasmin. Creative & Media. Photography. Music Videos. Film. Graphic Design. Special FX Makeup. Creativity is Beautiful. Have Fun With It. Never Take Yourself To Seriously.

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  • Amazonian - Basically just a blender

    I am extremely disappointed by this product. I thought it was the answer to my prayers after spending months toiling with blenders and juicers just to try to get some fresh nutritious juice or smoothies every day. But this product seems to perform the same as the Tribest blender I bought, up to and including extremely leaky lids. Screw the blade on as tight as you can but it will still leak juice all over the place. I thought this product was going to blend everything so smoothly together into a very fine juice like concistency. But it is still just as gritty as what my blender does and after about 10 minutes you can see the juice and pulp separating in your cup. And yes, I used plenty of water and let it blend for about a minute. Perhaps I got a lemon, but I am extremely under impressed.

  • Daniella - hotter than hell!

    From the start we get two characters that are just meant to be and they seem to be getting along just fine. But life has other plans and things get complicated to a level both of them can't fix.