
Unmask Parasites. Blog. - Exploit reviews, security tips, and other occasional posts from the developer of Unmask Parasites about things that hackers already know and site owners should know.

  • In The News | Unmask Parasites. Blog. - Every now and then, Unmask Parasites and stories from this blog are getting mentioned in the news. RFI: Server-wide iframe injections (link) Ars Technica
  • Contact | Unmask Parasites. Blog. - Any comments and suggestions are welcome. [CONTACT-FORM] You can also find me on Twitter.
  • “Fancybox for WordPress Has Expired” Infection | Unmask Parasites. Blog. - Today I began to notice quite a massive and very unusual attack that leverages vulnerabilities in older versions of the FancyBox for WordPress plugin. As
  • Most Contradictive Doorway Generator | Unmask Parasites. Blog. - It's a most contradictive doorway generator that I ever seen. I can't find any good explanation why it does things the way it does. Maybe you have any ideas.
  • Google -> Doorway -> Google -> Spam | Unmask Parasites. Blog. - Speculations on the doorway scheme that redirects back to search results. Dumping unneeded traffic or second level search engine optimization?

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -96.8217 Texas, United States

  • Robert G. Walters Jr. - trampoline

    Very good trampoline. I like how the net attaches to the inside of the springs. I my son loves this and jumps everyday.

  • nonpareil - Update of a classic

    This version does not appear substantially different than the 2005 version. What I find different is not what I am reviewing here, but the improvement made in the amount of genealogical information available on the Internet, the great bulk via I do find Family Tree Maker a vital tool in the organization of that information.

  • Jessy - Great Read

    I wasn't sure what to expect from the little blurbs about the story but I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It had a bunch of twists and turns and I was able to get inside the head of Violet and understand her feelings. I look forward to seeing how her journey will continue to unfold in the next book. I haven't read a good book like this in a while and it was refreshing to read. Consider releasing the next book sooner...I'm very impatient already and want to read the next installment already...and I just finished book 1....