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  • Sunshine - Colorful and Fun, but make sure to read the dimensions

    This planner is so colorful and adorable. The covers are a light-weight but sturdy cardboard-like material and the rings are sturdy enough that they aren't going to get misshapen from use like sometimes happens with spiral bound notebooks/planners. I should have read the dimensions better, because it is a bit narrow for my tastes, making the month-at-a-glance calendars a bit small for writing more than a couple words per-date. That is my fault for not reading, but if you frequently use the month-at-a-glance feature, like I do, you might want the next size up. The only part of this agenda that I am worried about lasting for 17 months are the tabs, which are light-weight and rather flimsy, probably to reduce overall weight and bulk. Overall, I like the product and would recommend it if the size is what you're looking for.

  • Jill Bemis - At What Cost

    Power hungry Celeste has husband and candidate Senator Mike Ortiz wrapped around her little finger and will stop at nothing to get him elected to the presidency. Erica Sparks finally gained custody of her daughter and her top rated news show dominates her market area. Erica needs a big story to stay on top and Celeste needs to control campaign publicity. As this story demonstrates, politics make strange bedfellows. It was interesting to read how far individuals might go to influence an election what people will risk to make sure the truth is revealed. A fun exercise would be reading the book and then watch new reports and debates that occur during a presidential election campaign to see if there are parallels between fiction and reality.

  • Ms. C - Practical, Stylish, Carry-Everything Bag

    This bag arrived on my doorstep last week, and since then I have been carrying it to and from work every day. I was so happy I found this color in a size Small (it's sold out all over the internet and more expensive on the direct brand's website). I purchased this looking for a bag that would a) not ruin my back due the weight and b) fit my netbook and other graduate-school items such as textbooks, portable hard drive, etc. First of all, I can fit all of my textbooks, netbook, papers, cords, and other little things I used to keep in my purse, with enough room to shove my water bottle in on the side. When it rains, which it has several times this week, the water is completely repelled by the awesome "ballistic" material. When it stops raining, however, I can loosen both of the straps on the front flap and slide my umbrella perfectly along the bottom of the bag, pulling the straps a bit to make the fit tighter.

  • Damon S - it ran like _____. I saw a guy at the slip ...

    Magic...have a 10 year old Yamaha 40 hp outboard. After I think I used some old mix ran like _____. I saw a guy at the slip and he suggested seafoam. I bought it here...poured it in with 7 gallons on new gas and oil (25 gallon tank) and within 15 minutes, not only does it fix runs better than it has in years. I will use this now every other tankful- forever.

  • michael vega - best ever

    this is the wave of the future. streaming movies at a great price. with a great selection of movies with user friendly controls. can't beat that.