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  • R. M. Mayhew - It's Hotel California

    The problem with ACT is you can check in, but it's darn near impossible to check out (thus the Hotel California reference). I went from being one of the top fans of ACT to a very unsatisfied user. My guess is, the good reviews here are from new customers. If you install ACT "fresh" and enter all your information from scratch it may work well. My problem has been upgrading, which has not gone well. The challenge is, if you choose to leave ACT you probably can't get all of your information out of it. Most of the ACT conversion programs (and you have to wonder why companies would be writing programs to get information out of ACT...) can't get everything converted. During one attempt to "check out" of ACT the conversion process lost information I only had stored in ACT. It's easy to get the name, address, etc. (basic info) out, but other items may not be recoverable.

  • Mark Adams - disconnected very often

    it is too bad, it is disconnected very often. almost every 2 mins. there is more bluetooth headset with lower price and better quliaty