
The Clinical Advisor: a forum for physician assistants and nurse practitioners - The Clinical Advisor - offers physician assistants and nurse practitioners practical, up-to-date guidance for diagnosing and treating the conditions commonly seen in daily practice.

Country:, North America, US

City: -98.3987 Texas, United States

  • Laura C - My conditioner of choice, I trust it completely, ...

    My conditioner of choice, I trust it completely, enough to add it straight to my aquarium and fill it up straight from the tap (with the fish in!), I own 3 tanks and when I do my weekly water changes, that is how I do it. My tanks are too large for me to prepare/condition water outside the tanks so I have to dose the tank and fill it straight from the tap, never had an issue and I have the healthiest fish I've seen, I have yet to have sick fish in my time caring for my tanks! what's the secret? FREQUENT WATER CHANGES! water quality is everything when it comes to fish health.

  • William Martin - I was swept away for the 5th time

    Lets be honest.. how do you give 5 stars for this sorta item.. if you are buying it, you know what it is.. so .... I say, 3 means .. you know what you are buying and your are getting.. also, this is about my 5th one.. and its always because the handle breaks..

  • Derek Souder - A step in the right direction.

    I'll start off by saying the gameplay is better than FIFA 14. They toned down the accuracy of long balls and made defending crosses reasonable. No more launching accurate long balls from center backs. Thank god.

  • brother bruno - CONTAINS SHELLFISH!

    THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS SHELLFISH!!! As I am VERY allergic to shellfish,an Amazon customer recommended this product to me so I checked it out. Although you cannot find out that the glucosamine sulfate in this product contains shellfish from the website, it does! I discovered this by checking it out.

  • DeeDee the Happy Shopper - Avoid this scam

    This stuff tastes nasty and there are no healthy ingredients in it whatsoever. I'm quite sure it's a scam.