www.artofinvention.biz Review:

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  • EJ Johnson - Too early to tell

    I honestly have not seen any changes yet. I have been using this product for about 3 weeks so far. I will continue to use this product until it is gone and report any changes. The description does say it may take a month or more to notice any changes so I'm not giving up hope in this product just yet/

  • Karen - They fit my hotpoint stove! YEAH...

    Finally... Drip pans that fit my hotpoint stove.. I have not been able to find the correct ones in stores and my drip pans looked horrible.. The stove came with silver drip pans, but the stove itself is white and black.. I thought these black ones would look a lot sharper than silver and I was right.. They honestly have transformed my stove from looking old to new again... The pans themselve seem to be really well made, very sturdy with a nice finish... They slipped right in and truly do make a world of difference..