www.blogdasaude.com.br Review:

Blog da Saúde - Bem vindo ao Blog da Saúde. Muita informação sobre saúde, bem estar e planos de saúde.

  • http://www.blogdasaude.com.br/fale-conosco/ Fale Conosco | Blog da Saúde | Blog da Saúde - Este blog é sobre saúde e qualidade de vida. Não respondemos perguntas relacionada a sua saúde. Para isso, consulte seu médico.
  • http://www.blogdasaude.com.br/saude-fisica/2016/07/01/corrida-de-rua-cuidados-e-dicas-de-saude/ Corrida de rua: cuidados e dicas de saúde | Blog da Saúde - Saiba como começar a correr, qual é o melhor tipo de tênis e os melhores aplicativos para te ajudar nesta nova atividade.
  • http://www.blogdasaude.com.br/saude-fisica/2016/06/01/a-importancia-em-ler-rotulos-de-produtos/ A importância em ler rótulos de produtos | Blog da Saúde - Não pare apenas para ver as calorias. Entender o que você irá ingerir pode mudar hábitos alimentares e ajudar na saúde.
  • http://www.blogdasaude.com.br/sem-categoria/2016/10/13/aos-40-atencao-redobrada-as-doencas-de-pele-2/ Aos 40 – Atenção redobrada às doenças de pele | Blog da Saúde - Você já ouviu falar em queratose actínica (ou queratose solar)? Uma doença de pele que pode se manifestar somente a partir dos 40 anos, quando há um acúmulo

    Country:, South America, BR

    City: -43.2192 , Brazil

  • Christie Williams - Super man light

    Just received my light today ahead of shipping time. Fantastic light. The brightest pocket flashlight that I've ever seen. Looks more like a large spot light when you turn it on. Best 79.00 dollars spent on a light that will work as good as self defense tool as well as every day work light. Hats off to fenix for bang for buck!

  • Kofi Imseti - A Good Product For The Money

    I tried this product a couple of weeks ago after extensive research on the subject. Apparently, the human body is supposed to have one bowel movement per meal. I had only been going once per day, but now after using this product, I'm up to twice per day. Prior to this cleanse, I did have the feeling of being bloated, so now I know that my digestive system was clogged because that feeling is gone now. My energy has increased somewhat, but I didn't get any sort of "dramatic" effect, not that I really expected to. I have to say that I was a little skeptical at first, and didn't want to spend too much money.

  • L Ziel - Garbage

    Like other people have stated, there is not enough of the base to do the job. This product is a ton of work and the finished product does not look even close to what they state it will look like. The product makes a total mess when adding the flakes.It pools up in the creases and is near impossible to sand it correctly. If you have an empty house that you are not living in and have a week to do the job and can work on it 8 hours a day every day you may be able to get it to look OK but I don't see that it will ever look like real granite. In all actuality you could get formica that looks like granite that will cover the same area this kit says it will cover for about $300-$400, it would be new and look better than this product. Save your money and avoid this product at all cost, unless you want to waste a week of your time for a product that doesn't look good. The only good part of this product is that after it looked as bad as it did Rustoleum is a great company and did refund our money for the product but they could not replace our time that we wasted.

  • Storyoftheeye - kills roaches and maybe mice?

    This was a really fun and effective product. When I first got this i wrote my name in the corner by my trash can D-A-N-I, the next dat all I had was D-A and then that dissapeared and i drew a smiley, then a heart, then my fiances name.. i drew a little something every night before turning the lights out and in the morning a lot of it would be gone. after the first week i didnt see anymore roaches but but noticed the pictures and things i drew were still disappearing. One night i walked into the kitchen later than usual and when i turned on the lights i saw some mice. i thought that sucked but w/e but then they kept coming back out while i was still sitting there with the lights on. i screamed and they ran away a few times but kept coming back and it turned out they were coming back for the gel and i watched a couple of them eat it. The next day my fiance got some sticky traps and we put the roach gel on the traps, but they remain untouched and i havent seen mice since that day when there were lots of them. now idk what to think, maybe they died after discovering the gel??

  • Hannah Baglia - Great, natural product for healthier skin!

    I love the smell and feel! The scent is fresh and citrus-like, but definitely not overwhelming or long lasting! I can still spray on some perfume after using. Usually my favorite time to put it on is right after a shower, and I do like to give it a few minutes to absorb more before I put a shirt on while I continue getting ready. A little definitely goes a long way. I already had stretch marks from my first pregnancy (currently pregnant with my second), so I am by no means expecting some "miracle" cream to make those disappear, but so far, 7 months pregnant, I have no new stretch marks! I plan to continue using this with a coffee scrub after I have my baby, too:) hoping to just notice some fading, but either way I am enjoying doing something healthy for my skin. I love the natural ingredients. My skin even feels healthier the next day!