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  • Justin Spector - Good sequel to a classic film

    I thought this was a fine sequel to compliment the original. The original was better but it is very rare to see a sequel be better than the first. I thought it was innovative to see how the human race would have progressed after gaining the alien technology. The only issue I had was there was to much emphasis on story lines such as David's dad that really had no relevance to the overall plot and kind of was a waste of time. Like just because you have a sequel doesn't mean all of the original characters need to return. Will Smith was missed but him not being in the film didn't hurt it at all. Actually I always thought his role in the first film was overrated. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys Sci fi and just an overall enjoyable film.

  • A truly amazing portrait of man's ability to persevere. - A truly amazing portrait of man's ability to persevere.

    This is one of the 10 best books I've ever read; among such treasures as "The Grapes of Wrath" and Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle". For these men to have survived the harshest conditions known to man is an inspiration to people everywhere that, where there is a will, there is a way. When I go through a bitter cold Wisconsin winter again, I will never look at it in the same way I did before. The agony, frustration and longing these men endured was truly more than most men are capable of overcoming. In an age of modern conveniences where not having cable is considered a hardship, this book brings back the tough spirit of men who tested every fiber of their being. This book should be mandatory reading for all school-age children so they know there is a world beyond PlayStation and all the other trappings of our sedentary society. The adversity these men faced is beyond my comprehension. Buy the book! You won't be sorry!

  • Michael Ratto - Absolute Home Run

    I have been thinking of buying this product for a while and finally took the plunge. I was looking for something to be able to create a virtual replica of my house to use for design ideas for renovations. Originally, I just wanted to maybe import picture but I soon learned that the software could do so much more with so much detail.