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  • Boston Reviewer - Couldn't Get it to Fly 40 Feet

    This is a nice quality product and a great idea. Unfortunately it didn't perform as expected. The best we could do was about 30 feet and that only happened about 10% of the time. My dogs were super excited and loved playing with it, but they weren't getting the exercise they are used to. I normally toss the ball with a Chuck-It about 70-80 feet. I bought this machine because I've developed "chuck-it wrist" and I'm out of commission for a while until it heals. This machine is just too wimpy for my guys. As a side note, the instructions indicate that any other same size ball will work. We tried my dogs' favorite Kong Squeakair balls (essentially a squeaky tennis ball) and they only flew about 25 feet on the 40 foot setting. I assume it's because the Kong balls are lighter in weight. That was the deal-breaker for me. My dogs only like balls that squeak. They'll chase anything you throw, but they drop it immediately if they find that it's a "dud". LOL

  • Bill - Wifi cam doesn't last long, will start failing after short time. Also may be spying, phones home!

    Cam works okay only with the BVCAM app. Possible spyware in this cam firmware. So beware! The Wi-Fi cam connects fine and works well but only the BVCAM app can be used to connect to it to view the video. The app itself lists multiple functionality which this ipcam does not support but the functions that it does support are a bit flaky. Whenever you stop and restart the app, you have to go into the settings to reset the time clock so that it displays correct time stamp. The video is SD and acceptable to monitor your area(s). But the main reason I give it 2 stars is because this cam is not recognized by standard ipcam software detectors such as the ipcamera.exe windows software they provide on the little CD with the cam.

  • James S - Replacement Filter does the job!

    This filter works for me. Easy to install, clear instructions on the box, no chemical aftertaste. The only problem I had was trying to remove the original factory filter. All this for a quarter of the cost!

  • Allan V. - and its touch sensitivity are phenomenal and the best protector I have ever used

    Had to try to reinstall 4 times, and STILL had a corner and an edge not completely adhere. Probably my fault if a spec of dust or grease in those 2 areas was left behind. I will say however, that the quality of the glass, and its touch sensitivity are phenomenal and the best protector I have ever used. I installed on an Nvidia Shield K1 tablet used exclusively for flying drones. You cant afford to miss a tap on the screen, especially if you are in a stressful, mechanical failure system while in the air. This screen provides me with complete security that when I tap on a setting, it WILL activate EVERY time!