www.drazam.com Review:

Dr. Mohammed Azam Danish (Dr. Azam) - Consultant Anesthesiologist & Critical Care Specialist - Dr. Mohammed Azam Danish aka Dr. Azam is a Consultant Anesthesiologist andCritical Care Specialist at B.M.Jain Hospital Bangalore

Country:, North America, US

City: -95.4739 Texas, United States

  • knitmona - Just stopped working 7months after I bought it. Filled ...

    Just stopped working 7months after I bought it. Filled up my blender ready to blend up my protein shake and a big NOTHING just dead. Tried different outlets, replaced the pitcher onto the base over and over and it clicked as it always had. Placed the lid on and it locked and clicked in place with all the arrows lined up. NOTHING! Not worth the money!!!

  • Kimberly - Bloated. The Opposite of Skinny.

    I have been taking the supplement for five days. I feel painfully bloated and it feels like I always have a stomach ache. I also feel light-headed and a bit shaky. I had none of these symptoms before starting the supplement. I stopped taking it and hope to get back to my normal self quickly.