www.kuradesign.com Review:

Kura Design - New Warrior Princess Clothing - KuraDesign, Salmon Pink and Candy Apple Green Tough Girl in a Tiara Tshirt for Zumba, 5k Runs, Cheer, Soccer, Gym or just fashion. Moon cut back.

Country:, North America, US

City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • A. Toro - the ground squirrel colony (200+) I'm trying to get rid of is either too smart and/or too stupid to figure out how to get ...

    I purchased this trap about a month ago to hopefully start putting a dent in a massive ground squirrel population on rural property. So far I have only caught 4 squirrels. For bait, I've been using sliced oranges, apples, and dry dog food. They eat the bait that I put outside to lure them near the trap, but they are not going into the trap itself. The bait inside is left untouched. I have the trap sitting on top of some plywood, so they can not burrow underneath to grab the bait. Haven't decided yet, the ground squirrel colony (200+) I'm trying to get rid of is either too smart and/or too stupid to figure out how to get in!

  • Mariya - Excellent !

    Bought this for my son who is 1 year old and suffered from stuffy nose for more than several weeks already. I was terrified when I first saw how much stuff he had inside his tiny nose!!! Within a few days his nose was clean and clear and I had my happy boy again. I must say he was scared at first, but then he realized that he feels better after "being vacuumed" and got all excited when he knew that he's going to be vacuumed again.

  • M.S. - Crashes with almost every function

    Have just started to use Creator 2012. Using it to create and convert personal DVD content from camcorders. Almost every function I have tried has resulted in the program crashing. Unbelievably poor experience so far. Brand new PC, Windows 7 - 64 bit, i5, 16GB RAM.

  • E. Rubin - Seems to work very well on shoes

    I recently painted a pair of fabric shoes and wanted to make sure that they lasted. I sprayed those babies with ScotchGard Fabric and upholstery protector and they are holding up really well - the drizzle I walked through didn't even touch them.

  • MaxCat - Great product!

    Great product! I have used this twice now, and I am impressed. It works really well. Just follow the instructions. The first time I used it, I don't think I put enough of the balm on first. You don't want to put too much, but I think I put too little. My face was slightly tender for just a few minutes after removing the product. The second time I used it, I applied a little more of the balm over a larger area. After removing the product the second time, there was no sensitivity at all. The first application lasted 3 1/2 weeks, and I really could have gone to four weeks before reapplying. Before trying this product, I had waxing done. Waxing is painful, much more expensive, and I needed to go to a salon to have it done. This product is much less expensive, easy to use, and I use it at home. I wish I would have known about this sooner!

  • Robert - Excellent charger

    I've got four of these laying around now. When converting over to usb-c, these will help. They don't cost as much as some competitors, and work just as well. Haven't had any issues with the dozen or so usb-c phones I've used them with.