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  • James Andrews - Best GPS Ever - This program beats any GARMIN or Tom-Tom

    This program when loaded on a laptop computer will provide the largest GPS Display possible in a mobile situation. I use it every day in my work to locate pole mounted high-voltage switches. I simply place an icon on the map at the proper location and then drive to the icon. I don't need an address to find a particular location. Also the look ahead capabilities are much better on the Streets & Trips 2013 than with any other type of GPS. This gives me the ability to see several streets or roads ahead that intersect the road I am driving on at the time. This look ahead capability allows me to have "command control" and change the route on the fly as needed. This prevents the GPS from routing me thru congested areas with excessive stop lights since I rarely use the route planner option on a GPS. I simply put an icon on the map at my destination, enable the GPS tracking and the drive toward the icon. Along the way I gradually zoom the map as I get closer to my destination so I can see more detail. This can also be done at any point along the route as needed.

  • Margaret Kaufka - Not Happy

    I really wanted to try this product. I paid what was asked and it was shipped to me. Okay, I did not notice anything except wearing it under clothing was not slimming as it rolls up. Next, to my dismay...I was sent 2 more tubes of the Thermal Accelerator. I immediately called and said I did not want it. Representative said I signed up for it. No I didn't. Then it was going to cost me even more money to send it back. I agreed to pay what they asked just to get rid of them and never be sent anything again .......3 months later I get a letter from a COLLECTION AGENCY saying I owed them 9.99. I was furious. If tummytuck thought I owed them then why did they not contact me? They have my phone # and address. When I called them twice, all they could say was they apologize for the inconvenience. I am still stuck with the COLLECTION AGENCY. What a rip off . I would never recommend Tummy tuck to anyone. Not even people I don't like. No one should be treated in such an unjust way. Buyer beware on this company.. Now, the drama goes on. After sending my name to a collection agency and being told they would call me within 24 hours.....guess what ....no call. And, after my review and phone calls ...only now tummy tuck sends me a post card saying I owe them $9.99.....A little late don't you think? How does a company like this even stay in business?

  • Amy R. - Love Zoobooks!

    My children are now 21 and 18 years of age and about a month ago my son randomly asked, "Do they still make Zoobooks?" I replied honestly that I didn't know. It has been many years since we had a subscription. But that question invoked a discussion between my now grown up children about how much they used to LOVE Zoobook magazines and it stirred up some fond memories of sitting down and going through each and every issue page by page with them. I was surprised that both of them could still recite several animal facts that they had learned from the magazine! Who knew they were paying so much attention!!? I love this magazine. We sampled a few children's magazines when mine were young and this was by far the most loved. I think we subscribed to it for about three years.