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Country:, North America, US

City: -118.278 California, United States

  • RunnerGirl65 - Awesome supplement for your brain function, most important organ!!!

    I actually tried other products from Vitamonk brand and decided they produce really high quality supplement so it was my easy choice to try their Alpha GPC supplement for my brain function supplement. I started with the recommended dosage of one capsule a day for a week but didn't feel much effect and was feeling disappointment that this won't work for me. Then I started some research and found that 600 mg or more will be effective depend on the person's condition and the goal. I stared to take two capsules a day on the second week and couple of days into it I started to feel clearer focus and mental stamina to studying or concentrate in one subject whole lot longer. I am getting older and my memories suffer at times and knowing my old mother is in early stages of dementia, I am feeling the strong need to take supplement for my brain function more than ever and this product is giving me hope.

  • Mary Kay Werning - Review of New Yorker Desk Calendar

    This is the third year I have purchased this calendar. Really like it, but this year, they didn't put the little blurbs on the back of each page. Still love the calendar, just miss the little items on the back.

  • Janie Ostlund - Everything as advertised

    These security products were everything I expected at a lot less money than the "big" guys. Installation of 7 devices took less than 1/2 hour and thanks to the installation video was very easy. I anticipate taking this equipment with me when we move after retirement and because of the release tape that should be a breeze. Wish I had spent the money before the break-in we suffered. Would have saved me hundreds of dollars and a lot of grief.

  • Beth Callen - Fabric Protector

    I bought this to protect some rockers I bought for my small children (kindergarten and under). I am so glad I did. It makes the chairs so much easier to clean.

  • jomammah - Big disappointment

    They don't work any better than the disposables. I'm pretty sure they don't work as well. They're a lot more hassle to use. When I'm working, I don't want to have to load, assemble, prime, and kick-start my handwarmers. And then stand around and wait to see if they lit. And they stink, just like my Zippo lighter did way back when.

  • Chuck - Best guide to taxes

    I've tried other guides but this one is the best. I guess actually the $50 one for professionals by JK Lasser might be better. But for me a non professional this one is the best. I need it now for planning for kids college expenses and this is the only guide that helped me understand the alternate minimum tax back when I had some mutual funds.

  • Geeta Dhir - amazin, i coul feel the results in a few days

    nobody recomended me this i was looking for something to help wih my eyes which had become very sensitive to sun and ichey ,red & dry. The product is amazing i can see much better, i think it improves the peripherial vision so much that i have startred noticing things that where there on my way to work but i had never seen. It is really good and works like a wonder and soo fast it's amazing.