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    Country:, Europe, NL

    City: 4.9167 North Holland, Netherlands

  • Former Customer - MacNeil Integrity Problem

    MacNeil has an integrity problem. I ordered mats for my car according to the Web Site specs. When I received the mats I found that I would have to trim the mats to make them fit. Thats not even so bad but the trimming would have negatively effected the water holding capabilities. I phoned MacNeil, explained the problem and received the RMA. I sent back the mats with a note asking for my the full invoice proce back + my shipping charges. They were received on March 5th. I did not receive the credit until March 31st. I would imagine they did this to bolster their month end numbers....whatever.

  • Richard Schwarz - Very pleased with this purchase!

    I ordered the 60 inch to replace a beloved Samsung 60 inch DLP that had been fantastic for 7 years until the actual DLP chip started to act up. I specifically waited for the 2016 models to come out, but didn't want to spend thousands...

  • Krulak - Shorty

    Garage door broke off factory antenna. Also breaking the mount when the door didnt open all the way. This new antenna is shorter which should help avoid the problem in the future.

  • K S Stone - Does Not Work

    When we received the Antenna we desperately needed, we put it on right away then and checked it out. We cannot use it now since it does not help to hear any radio stations and is worse than if we have no antenna like our situation was before.

  • Talilush - Homemade Anti-Aging Serum

    Top quality product for a great price. This is one of the ingredients I use for my Homemade Anti-Aging Serum.